Treadmill Buying Guide
We have put together our Treadmill Buying Guide to help you research and buy with confidence. Here are a few treadmill buying tips you’ll want to consider to ensure you’re getting the right treadmill for you. We’ve consulted the best experts from engineers to product designers to sales managers to answer your most popular questions below.
What treadmill should I buy based on my fitness goals? There are many reasons why someone may be buying a treadmill…to lose weight, to leisurely walk, to run and get in shape, or to rehabilitate and injury. These goals will help you to decide what you are looking for in a treadmill. Keep these in mind when looking into the specs and details of each treadmill. Once you have taken time to define your fitness goal, then shopping will become much easier.If running is your primary goal, look beyond the walking treadmills. Running treadmills are designed to handle more impact and wear and tear vs. a standard walking treadmill as the frames are built stronger and the motors larger and more durable.